Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dad's back!

One week ago today Dad came from Oklahoma to Iowa to live with us for awhile. My brother Mark and I have decided to alternate the responsibility of caring for dad as we navigate through the progression of his Alzheimer’s. Of course I anticipated adventures to ensue, but had no idea how quickly that would actually happen. Here’s the lowdown:
• Day 1 – I almost got dad killed out on a bike ride. We were riding along on the sidewalk of a busy street and the lost control of his bike and rolled into oncoming traffic. He wasn’t hurt, but I’ve never moved so fast to get him up and out of the street.
• Day 2 – I lost dad. He and I had gone to walk the dogs first thing in the morning and then he was eating breakfast while Karl and I worked out. We finished our workout, were quite sweaty and decided to go walk a couple of blocks to cool down. Dad was finishing his breakfast, so I told him to finish up and we’d be right back. Big mistake! We came back from going three blocks and he was gone and nowhere to be found. After searching the neighborhood for 20 minutes I called the police and they finally found him about three miles away after he wandered into a school looking for me. The officer brought him back and he was unfazed. “Man, I walked about 20 miles trying to catch up with you guys!” was all he had to say.

So after two days I felt like a complete failure as a daughter. But along with day three came a new attitude. Stuff happens. But I have a unique opportunity to have a “do-over” with my dad. Much of my life I longed for a closer relationship with him. He was often serious, and consumed with work and seemed; well, angry all the time. Now I have this kinda sweet dad who’s friendly, funny, and childlike and laughs all the time. He says the most comical things, has an obsession with chicken strips, French fries and Dr. Pepper and wants to go all the time. And I’ve decided to enjoy every moment of it. Who knows how long he will even remember us? The reality is, he will get much worse and while caring for dad is inconvenient, it is a privilege to have this time with him, and I'm thanking God for the joy and laughter we can experience together.

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