Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Adventures with Dad - Part 3 (he's on a bike!)

Ok, my adventures with dad keep getting more unbelievable. Last night, Shelby, Emily and I decided to go on a bike ride and I asked dad if he wanted to go. Now keep in mind, this man hasn’t been on a bike in at least 50 years, if even that. “Yeah”, he says, “I’ll go”. “Holy moly!”, I think to myself, “now what do I do?” So I did the logical thing. I pulled out the easiest bike we had to ride and let him go for it. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll let the video below tell the story. But I just gotta say, I’m having the time of my life spending this week with my dementia laden dad. He has no idea what he can’t (or would never)do, and I’m thanking God for every minute of it.

By the way....he rode 10 MILES. Go dad!